Thursday, March 26, 2015

Most Millennials Unaware of Closing Costs

Most Millennials Unaware of Closing Costs
A new survey by ClosingCorp reveals that approximately two-thirds of millennials who plan to buy a home are unaware of closing costs. The survey also found that across all adult age brackets, more than one-third of potential homeowners are "Not Very" or "Not At All" aware of closing costs.

The survey of more than 1,000 adults also found that most people learn about closing costs from their real estate agent, or by doing their own research. In fact, millennial homeowners are more likely to learn about closing costs from their agent as opposed to a lender by a ratio of nearly two-to-one.

"This study is very interesting in that it shows millennials are more dependent on REALTORS® than previously presumed," said Brian Benson, CEO of ClosingCorp. "We know they are more tech-savvy than their predecessors, so we believe this really highlights the complexity of a residential real estate transaction. Whether they are researching a home on their own or getting help from an interested third party, the bottom line is that people need access to the correct information, and it needs to be simple for them to understand. With the upcoming changes to the disclosure process being made by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau this August, we as an industry should be stepping up our proactive education efforts to ensure homebuyers are fully prepared to make the most significant financial transaction of their lives."

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