Friday, May 23, 2014

Is Stainless Steel Passé?

One day back in the 70s, thousands of homeowners looked at their avocado green appliances and thought, with complete conviction, that such a lovely color would never go out of style. In the 80s, they questioned how they ever had such a silly thought as they marveled at the sophisticated beauty of their black appliances. That trend lasted until the 90s when white appliances become the flavor of the decade.

Are you starting to notice a pattern? As the decades change, so too do our preferences in appliance colors. Considering this, it is somewhat surprising that stainless steel has been in vogue as long as it has: 14 years and counting. If history is our guide, it’s only a matter of time before we’ll look at stainless steel the same way we do as avocado green.

Or will we?

Not surprisingly, folks tend to have pretty strong opinions when it comes to appliance design. Those who love stainless maintain that it creates a clean, timeless, and future-proof look that can accommodate nearly any kitchen design. It’s functional, lightens up the room, and is massively popular. No wonder it’s held on as long as it has.

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